Exploring Growth: The Power of Learning Trips for Professionals and Company Teams
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the pursuit of knowledge and growth is a never-ending journey. As professionals and...
EDCrunch Kazakhstan 2023
Last November more than 3000 educators, technology companies and institutions attended the 8th edition of EdCrunch in Almaty Kazakhstan....
Innovación a Través del Diseño de Servicios en El Salvador
Estamos transformando las prácticas tradicionales de diseño, implementación e innovación en servicios, integrando inteligencia artificial
Highlights from The Postinstitutional Café series
According to our strategic foresight analysis and future studies discussions, we have identified Post-Institutional Scenarios.
What does PostInstitutional mean?
After more than 25 years working in art and design educational institutions, I've come to a number of conclusions regarding not just...
Nethunting: Filtrando información
Durante todo nuestro proceso investigativo podemos encontrar un sin fin de documentos, gráficas, reportajes, comentarios y todo tipo de...
Photoresearch: A lens-based culture
Challenge 1: Lens-based Culture Para entender una cultura lens-based, decidimos primero ahondar en lo que teníamos más a mano: Instagram,...
How is sustainable fashion conversation in English @Spain?
This week Palmera was focused on understanding what are the main insights from Nethunting Database coding, so after using Answer the...
Nethunting download
After coming back from our lovely trip from Lisbon we had nethunting classes, where we presented our research focused on our main project...