Trabajadores de Portolà: Bitácora de usuario
Queriendo implicar al trabajador de Portolá de forma activa en nuestra investigación, decidimos hacer un ejercicio de bitácoras de...
En la etapa pasada del proceso de trends labs se definieron, las personas involucradas, las tribus y los drivers. Ahora se pondrán esas...
3rd Presentation of The Mindbenders
In this presentation, we focused on trends and scenarios related to our project Global Human Research. The explanation for trends, their...
Fundación Portolà: a un paso de ver la luz.
Siguiendo el hilo de la presentación anterior, quisimos empezar la presentación mostrando este pequeño fragmento de un video de Casa...
The t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶d̶s̶ third presentation
We decided to exhibit our 3rd presentation in a “physical” way, without any digital displays. We used threads to create a fashion factory...
600K words
“An image says more than a thousand words”. A well known phrase that helps to explain the importance of the visual narratives. Sight is...
Photo research as de-construction and construction of new perceptions (Poitee)
For our second class of photo research, we did an exercise of visual storytelling. We brought 50 images that were, directly and...
The Strangest Objects
When at first, we started to work on our Photoresearch project, we had already used and tested several research tools, such as desktop...
Reflection of Pandemic
Vaccines I’m young and I did it So you can do it! This could be a hope! The people are afraid about the safety of this vaccine in...
Diversity IS the new Normal.
Diversity is the new normal, final conclusions of dinno photo research process.