
The Reflection of The Photo Research
What is the lens-based culture for us? We thought about the reflections of objects. When someone talks about "lens-based" everyone agrees...

Welcome New MIDIs and MaDEs
A new generation of MIDIs and MaDEs has started taking the challenges that innovation, research and business bring in the contemporary...

BSDW19 Service Design Week 4.0
Solo quedan un par de semanas para comenzar la cuarta edición de nuestra Service Design Week en Barcelona, que desarrollamos de la Mano...

Field Trip to Munich
we can say that the trip was very exciting and helpful for us: we could better understand the context our client is in by comparing it to...

las nuevas maneras de pensar y hacer negocios
Design Thinkers Group Spain Nos damos cuenta que cada vez más que el éxito de muchas empresas, no se basa únicamente en el producto o...

Trendslab17 INterDEPENDENCE
According to Webster’s dictionary interdependence is the state of being dependent upon one another: mutual dependence interdependence of...

Soy Arquitecta Colombiana graduada en el 2011, y en el 2010 tuve la experiencia de hacer unas prácticas en mi último semestre de la...

Happiness and Consumerism
I often ask myself if happiness is really a result of consumerism as society has made us believe. We live in a world that associates...

Ciutat Nova Journey
Last semester the Stitch group started a journey with Ciutat Nova. At the beginning, it was hard to understand where this journey was...

Researching Trends in Lisbon
Lisbon is becoming one of the most interesting cities in southern Europe, not only because of the wonderful light, the beautiful...