
MIDI Talk Show CapÃtulo 2
#inspiration #life #MIDIelisava10years #MIDISinAction

Ciutat Nova Journey
Last semester the Stitch group started a journey with Ciutat Nova. At the beginning, Â it was hard to understand where this journey was...

Barcelona Urban Immersion 2016
#trendsresearch #marianafreijomil #research #barcelona #rosapera #jorgerodriguez #MiDIelisava #danielzentgraf #inspiration

Innovación y Tendencias 2016/17
The 8th edition of MiDI / MaRDI is better than ever. We have started 8 exciting Trends Research and Innovation projects for companies,...
Tim Brown: Innovation Through Design Thinking at MIT
Una charla muy interesante dictada por Tim Brown en MIT donde explica de manera muy rapida la importancia de la investigación cultural,...