PhotoResearch: MIDIs through their pictures
BeeStudio How we use the methodology Our goal by using the PhotoResearch methodology was to understand our users through the pictures...
Business-mindset Report
PIECES OF ME -- JING I. Gaming mindsets Let’s think about each experience , volunteer journey we go as a game , lets go gaming! No.1 Set...
Chapter III: Business Mindsets
Quiver Quiver: Internal & external During the week we got a class concerning SMEs and Family Businesses where we got new insights and...
Field trip Lisboa. Uma taça de vinho, por favor.
creating together Como parte de las actividades del Master, estuvimos durante una semana en Portugal; conociendo personas, lugares y...
Trends Lab Results
co.lab After the investigation, we focus on finding alternatives to bring value to this platform in order to make it attractive to the...
check presentation at Brands + Consumers / Blog...
The Future is Happening Now…17/11
Just as our project evolves and starts to take shape with the methodologies we’re learning and the progress we’re making, as individuals...
Trenslab 2017: Una semana de la mano de los mejores expertos
creating together La semana del 13 al 17 de noviembre se llevó a cabo el trendslab “INterDEPENDENCE Journey”, donde tuvimos la...
Trenslab 2017: Una semana de la mano de los mejores expertos
creating together La semana del 13 al 17 de noviembre se llevó a cabo el trendslab “INterDEPENDENCE Journey”, donde tuvimos la...
Stalkers Mode
BeeStudio Talking about methodologies, we have learn about how to turn on our stalker mode and then we really became professional...