Meet-and-greet KFIZ Students!
Vujade Distance has nothing on us…This weekly meeting had an extra sweet touch as Mary, GM at KFIZ, surprise the Vujade team by...
Coming together
Our very first task for the Master was to come up with an idea, something we wanted to do. It didn’t have to be that developed, just an...
Coming together
Our very first task for the Master was to come up with an idea, something we wanted to do. It didn’t have to be that developed, just an...
School Immersion & Millennials
Fernweh When we conducted our first school immersion methodology to further investigate our target, we also had the ethnography class...
School Immersion & Millennials
Fernweh When we conducted our first school immersion methodology to further investigate our target, we also had the ethnography class...
Photo research
creating together 37a Mostra de Vins I Caves de catalunya La muestra de cavas de vinos y cavas de cataluña celebró su 37a edición en el...
Photo research
creating together 37a Mostra de Vins I Caves de catalunya La muestra de cavas de vinos y cavas de cataluña celebró su 37a edición en el...
The Vintage Divas of 2017
wearhouse-bcn We decided to interview five strong and beautiful women who were glad to share their opinion on Vintage/second-hand...
Hello, Vujade is on the line..
Vujade Hello! Vujade is on the line. The whole team gathered for a meeting to discuss our project last Tuesday in the morning. As a team...
las nuevas maneras de pensar y hacer negocios
Design Thinkers Group Spain Nos damos cuenta que cada vez más que el éxito de muchas empresas, no se basa únicamente en el producto o...