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3rd Presentation of The Mindbenders

Writer's picture: Rabia Harmankaya Rabia Harmankaya

In this presentation, we focused on trends and scenarios related to our project Global Human Research.

The explanation for trends, their timeline and frameworks

Fighting covid (mega, global)

Related patterns: eliminated contact communication, on the way normal life, homeschooling, vaccination, strangers afraid, hygiene has become essential, new regulations indoor areas, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office

Covid-19 came with uncertainty. Starting from health concerns it affects the economy, social life, education, work culture, everyday life, like a domino effect. People are trying to find new solutions and hack to tackle the new conditions coming from the pandemic. This trend is the main mega trend which other trends feed.

Paradigm shift (mega, global)

Related patterns: eliminated contact communication, on the way normal life, homeschooling, vaccination, strangers afraid, hygiene has become essential, new regulations indoor areas, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, innovation has a principal role in healthcare

It includes many areas and categories like fighting covid. Starting from the announcement of the pandemic, every system has changed. Humanity learns from failures during the pandemic. The education system, economy, social life, culture, habits and rituals will evolve to the new systems. Before the pandemic, some small actions were seen with the effect of the digitalization. However, the pandemic has become a trigger for the big change. Starting from march this trend is rising.

Resilience (mega, global)

Related patterns: on the way, normal life, homeschooling, vaccination, hygiene has become essential, new regulations indoor areas, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, innovation has a principal role in healthcare, self-improvement

Pandemic and new regulations affect everything all around the world. As a result of the change, people try to survive and adapt to new conditions. When everything starts to change people need to adapt. Resilience is the results of the paradigm shift and fighting with covid trends. This trend started after some time of the change. Because people need time to understand what is going on around them, what will be permanent, what is temporary. After all disasters, we see resilience is rising. the effect of the trend changes depending on the size of the domain.

Safe security (macro, global)

Related patterns: eliminated contact communication, homeschooling, vaccination, strangers afraid, hygiene has become essential, new regulations indoor areas, remote work, vaccination

People want to feel safer and more protected than ever before. They care about cleaning to protect from viruses. They save their money to feel safe in uncertain times. They put distances between foreigners.

Healthy self-caring (macro, global)

Related patterns: eliminated contact communication, on the way normal life, homeschooling, vaccination, strangers afraid, hygiene has become essential, new regulations indoor areas, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, innovation has a principal role in healthcare, self-improvement

Products and services which introduce themselves healthy, become popular… supplements, vitamins, all kinds of foods and activities to boost the immune system is cool now.

Before knowing the vaccination and some medications can be cured for the covid-19, people want to support their immune system. Healthy self-caring already existed in some subcultures, sports lovers, vegan people etc. however, after pandemic it started to rise speedily.

Self-development (macro, global)

Related patterns: on the way normal life, homeschooling, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, self-improvement

In the first wave when people were stuck in their house, They realized the only thing they could do was improve their skills in this period. It started with basic home activities and now with the online courses, it is growing and spreading in all areas. This trend also affects education systems and qualified workers.

Technology support (macro, global)

Related patterns: eliminated contact communication, on the way normal life, homeschooling, vaccination, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, innovation has a principal role in healthcare, self-improvement

Digitalization needs technical support. During the lockdown internet usage, the selling rate of consumer electronics rose. It continues. People start to buy electronics, use technology in every area not only for work but also in daily life too.

Open source solutions (local, micro)

Related patterns: homeschooling, vaccination, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, vaccination, innovation has a principal role in healthcare

People realized that they need to create or use some software to communicate with each other or work from home etc. software developers upload their sources online platforms to reach from everywhere. They also opened usage to everyone for free. Open source is already known and popular in nano communities. With the effect of the pandemic, it spread to many areas.

Equitable technology (local, micro)

Related patterns: on the way, normal life, homeschooling, vaccination, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, innovation has a principal role in healthcare

Online education, remote works and digitalization created the need for technology. However, the reach of technology is not the same for different economic classes. Starting from pandemic, collectives, governments, city halls started to make campaigns about equitable technology for all. It means by the time everybody can reach the technology and digital world equally.

Work in remote (micro, local)

Related patterns: eliminated contact communication, on the way normal life, vaccination, new regulations indoor areas, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, vaccination

Since the pandemic started and many companies have had to adapt to the restrictions, some companies have realized that they can achieve the same results by not having workers in their facilities, lowering costs. They decide to make remote work permanently closing the offices and branches.

Ambient wellness(micro, global)

Related patterns: eliminated contact communication, on the way normal life, homeschooling, vaccination, hygiene has become essential, new regulations indoor areas, People try to keep in a balance between work at home and office, remote work, vaccination

When people stayed in their home at lockdown, they also focused on their home. They wanted to have more fresh, big, calm, cosy places. they started to care about indoor space quality. They change their homes, rooms, colour of the walls, furniture etc.

The explanation for "Trend Framework"

We analyzed the behaviour of the trends before the covid-19 to now. Some trends already exist in small communities but the rise triggered by the pandemic. Some trends come with the pandemic and rise in the first wave. Some trends appear after pandemic and lockdown and now rising. We put some milestones to explain the pick or change points in the curve of each trend. The main timeline starts with the announcement of the pandemic. Also affected by case numbers, curfews, lockdowns, new regulations and restrictions.


Concerning trends timeline, we mapped different scenarios using 7 canvas.

Parameters used to complete these canvas are based on the learnings we had from the

complete research in chapter 2. We have illustrated these 7 scenarios in the following pages.

Back to Normal Life with "Health Passport"

Many countries are now going to plan for reopening their borders, the Immunity Passport aims to create common standard proving travellers is Covid-free or vaccinated

Government and Medical Laboratories, IT outsourcing companies will collaborate to develop a Data system to control and regulate all incoming passengers.

We will begin to see the effects of this scenario at the end of 2021, it will take time to be able to provide all people who intend to travel with the vaccine and therefore the respective passport so we will have a limitation in the movement of people between different countries and currently there is no certainty. on the total efficacy of the vaccine also about different variants.

Age of Work in Remote

Due to the pandemic, people started to work from home and now a days it became permanent in many aspects. Working remotely doesn’t have only positive effects such as reducing expenses for companies, flexible time for staff, but in a negative way it keeps people away from the company culture and the others, they lose the social connections. However, the most important point in this scenario could solve these problems.

More job opportunities for unemployed people

Today there are a lot of unemployed people due to the Covid-19 crisis and restrictions. We hope this situation will be solved as soon as possible. With widespread immunity soon, We could go back to normal life without any restrictions. Firms and businesses could be opened or invested normally to give a chance for many people who are fired or lost their jobs. Anyway, It is a weak possibility because the company doesn’t have enough budget and there are a lot of people without work and there aren't enough positions for everyone.

A Chance for Newbies Starting on Business

Due to the paradigm shift and low competition, new start-ups and young people will have opportunities to take a place in the market. Also with new paradigms, they could explore new market segments. Their experience level can be a risk, however, in the new market segments, other competitors will have more or less the same experience level. They can take consulting support to solve a lack of experience. With the new market and the economic systems, all areas will be virgin to newbies.

More Businesses and Commercial Premises will be closed

With the effect of the pandemic (lockdown, new restrictions and the fast change) more businesses and premises are having issues with the financial crisis so we have an increase in taxes and rents. We’ll have the real effects of that scenario from the summer of this year with opportunity for example with a job, consultant agency because the companies will need support to survive from the consequence of this pandemic and a lowering of rents.

The Education System has made a significant change

Today people have adapted to online education and tools. It will change the future. People realized that they can get a qualified curriculum from different universities and important institutions. They can find the best of every subject from online learning. It creates competition and pushes the limits of the traditional education system.

Accessibility, quality, flexibility will be important in the education system.

The Vaccine doesn't Affect Significantly

The vaccination started one a month and we don't know the results. We can see on TV a lot of news regarding different variants of covid from all parts of the world and it's possible the vaccine doesn’t have the total effect and it will create the worst case for this pandemic. A lot of people will lose credibility on the institution causing more lockdown and revolution from the populations with population decrease and more profit for the pharmaceutical company and sacrifice for the government.

Last part of the presentation was interactive quiz about what we explain. We used "" web site for this part.

Here you can see the questions and feedbacks from participants

With these feedbacks we will interpret our strategies.


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