600K words
“An image says more than a thousand words”. A well known phrase that helps to explain the importance of the visual narratives.
Sight is the fastest of our senses, reaching the equivalent to 1250 mb/s or a local computer network. That is why a great set of information can be displayed in a glance.
But sometimes a glance is not enough to be aware of all the data exposed.
What if we could preserve all those moments, all the information contained, into a perpetual, or at least more long lasting, media?
Thanks Mr. Joseph Nicéphore Niépce!
As researchers we must be able to consult the information as many times as required. Photo research allows us to search and find important details immersed in the pictures.
We looked for pictures in two main spaces. The social media and the “general” internet.
As the project relevance is about the relation between technology and the new generations that live their lives in a digital society, we focused our attention on these two.
Once we had the images, gathered by our subjective appreciation and relation with the topic, we had to organize them. Looking for commonalities between them, we began to create a narrative that made a connection between the photos and the challenge of our project.
We created four areas:
At the beginning we thought of them as separate canvases, trying to fit the images into the most relevant one. But then, after moving each photo from side to side, we realized that these areas merge into each other. The connection they make between themselves, let us create the following narrative:
The goal of retail is to connect brands with people.
As physical spaces, due to the actual pandemic and other factors that were developing even before COVID, are declining; brands now use people to connect with people.
Spaces are now digital. The spaces are not to contain products, but people.
The spaces now are communities which can, and should, be used by brands to bond with their customers.
As you can see, even the farthest photos that belong to different areas, can be connected through a narrative that joins brands with people.
In this world and in this era, we shouldn’t perceive information as individual sets. Instead, we should be able to create connections and follow the paths contained in an image, because certainly there can be more than a thousand words.
Hi Forward Team,
Thank you very much for your contribution!
You have put together wonderfully different bodies of visual research showing the ways different areas are interconnected. And you have addressed the complexity of the relations and ecosystems images address. You have not just included images as records in your projects.
The use of colour areas has been very effective in terms of drawing the differences but also the areas of interference.
So well done!
In your case this visual board can become a starting point for working with your client. It is not like in other groups' cases your task to convince them or make them allies of your vision. it is rather extracting from this panorama the path…