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#DTW18 Design Thinking Week Barcelona

Welcome to your DESIGN THINKING WEEK 2018 Journey

We realize that, more and more, the success of many companies is not based only on the product or service that they offer, but in the way in which they execute their processes, maintain their relationships, dialogue with their users and involve themselves in the transformation of the society that surrounds them.

Each year and for a whole week, this event explores new possibilities to think and do business in innovative ways. Applying new perspectives and mindsets to existing businesses or creating new opportunities from them.

keep in mind our hashtag #DTW18


Day 1, Monday March 12th


  1. Learn about the mindset and methodologies of Design Thinking with Katja Tschimel. Listen to challenge pitch by the project owners, 10 amazing topics to develop your DT skills.

  2. Get to know your team and receive our famous LIK pizza toolbox.

  3. Listen to the theoretical preparation and development of field research and nethunting with Gary van Broekhoven

  4. Data download and management of the information collected during the previous research with the help of our facilitators and co-facilitators (Irene, Pablo Dora, Dani, Sol, Cande, Vivi and Juan Pablo)

Day 2, Tuesday March 13th


  1. Design a context map, based on the data download, to visualized the scenario your are dealing with.

  2. Learn how to use the tools; Personas, CJM and stakeholders map. You will use them during the day, to give meaning, organize and complete the information.

  3. Rethink the challenge of the beginning, based on the findings obtained so far.

  4. Define customers segments and design your persona.

  5. Build up the stakeholders map without forgetting any key character. with the help of our facilitators and co-facilitators (Katja, Lara, Marialejandra, Dora, Dani, Sol, Cande, Vivi and Juan Pablo)

  6. Evaluate the result of all the tools used, to find insights and prioritize important topics. Uff, what a day!

Day 3, WEDNESDAY March 14th


  1. Learn how to use Design Thinking for company projects with DTG Brasil.

  2. Define which insights are the most relevant for the development of the challenge solution.

  3. Time to ideate! Brainstorming with the Lotus Blossom tool, it will help you finding lots of ideas and solutions. Quantity and abundance is key!

  4. Move from quantity to quality. Use the idea cards to better define the ideas with more potential.

  5. Construct and design opportunity scenarios, inspired by idea cards.

  6. Build and design a 2D prototype to test the scenario. Prepare the test cards to be able to test.

  7. Test your prototype before the day four, and bring the results to Irene, Pablo Dora, Dani, Sol, Cande, Vivi and Juan Pablo.

Day 4, THURSDAY March 15th


  1. Learn how to implement solutions after a Design Thinking process with Guillem Berazauce.

  2. Complete de learning cards with the material and feedback of the test made with the prototype the previous day.

  3. Build and design a 3D prototype inspired by the learning cards. Prepare the test, this time it will be a cultural probe.

  4. Refine the 3D models with the feedback from the test.

  5. Now let’s make it a business! Design a Business model Canvas, and don’t forget to give special attention on how to measure the success or failure of the implementation. It must be sustainable.

Day 5, FRIDAY march 16


  1. Learn and listen to Marc Bolick from DTG USA/ Canada talking about what to do after the Design Thinking Week. How to use all the learnings from this week, in your projects and daily work.

  2. Now it’s show time! Prepare your pitch, with storytelling techniques.

  3. Group presentations. Do not forget to talk about your process, results, business model and team work.

  4. CERTIFICATES! Because you did a great JOB.

  5. We will like to hear about your reviews and opinions of the week.

In collaboration with Design Thinkers Group Spain.

For further information on Design Thinking Week check



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