First Presentation - Mindbenders
Once having an overview of the processes from the TrendLab week, we started to go deep inside this method. In this presentation, we shared our signals, patterns and cycles.
We thought this project was extremely broad. Trying to understand how we can manage, which topics are important? which methods are useful for us? We met with our client and took advice from them to analyze their first report. Having 24 topics from the beginning and we thought: “how can we summarize and how can we select the essential topics?
Initially, we created linear relations of these topics and finding that we need to see their network better. Therefore, a circular mindmap could give us an overview of some strong areas. This tool was very powerful because with this information. We did the heat map to see which topics are more related to each other.
How do we find the Signals? Immersing ourselves in the city, going out on the street to figure out relevant signals by observation. How do people react to the covid-19 situation and how do they change during the pandemic? We observed them and took some photos as evidence.
Then, connecting with people through virtual interviews, we prepared some questions that could make interviewers express their feelings and behaviours, and we collected their answers to find common things.
Online Research also plays an important role in finding signals, we dived in the online world with news, reports, related articles and especially statistics. This is the collecting part and starting to think which signal has the meaning and which does not, and then group them together by the same meanings.
When we look at the groups of signals. We asked: “Why are they related to each other? Why are they in the same group? Where did they happen?”
For instance, there are some of our signals.
Based on our photos that we collected, you can see Hand sanitizers, masks, signs about how we wash our hands, tools for holding sth in are available everywhere.
This is the report according to Google Trend, there is a huge number of users searching how to use hand sanitizer. Here we can see how the rates are increasing.
All those relevant signals come together, and this is how we come up with a pattern
“Sanitation has become an essential condition in all places”
Likewise, we found other patterns. But it is not finished yet. It needs to think about Are there any relations with these patterns too? Also, we found connections between patterns and our topics.
After all, we know what people do and how they do. Now with our signals and patterns, it is time to understand their flow and process.
It is widely accepted that line graphs could help us to figure out the change in a simple way. How was it before, how was it in the 1st wave and now? We followed the behaviours of people and tried to find their evolution. Did they totally disappear or are there any new behaviours? Those charts could also visualize the curve by the time and easily see the rise and fall.
For us the results are interesting. Because we see some patterns have similar curves. Maybe they are affected by the same causes. And they respond the same way. And they change at the same point in summer, a vital point.
Next steps, we are keeping on doing other interviews to develop our signals, understanding more the actual situation, the client's expectation and also discovering Drivers, Personas, Insights. They're principal to look for trends.
Good work team!!!. Now is the time to start identifying and dicovering trends that match with these cycles, see their behaviour and their impact to start configuring a trends framework we will talk about in January. Focus on discovering more and gathering more data using nethunting and user journals to get more detail and understanding and make your trends very accurate. Congrats.