Ready for Trendslab17?
Trends have become a ruling factor for business and also for governments. The rapid changes in society transform markets, governance and people’s lifestyle and view of the world.
Trump, Brexit, Putin, Syria, EU refugee crisis, Chinas deceleration, Generation Z, AI, IoT and many other signals create a new territory for the short and mid-term future that doesn´t seem easy to manage or even understand. Because until now, trends have been logical, consequent and somehow a matter of cause and effect. But probably not anymore. How will the process of influence change after these events?
New attitudes towards the “politically correct” and what is socially acceptable start appearing when voters and companies feel empowered by the majorities in the polls or in election processes. Recent events related to racism, corruption, nationalism and other highly criticised practices seem validated when leaders promote them within their actions and plans. Will this change the way we…
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